To celebrate the launch of the Blog AND the Holiday Season, I have lined up some amazing giveaways for a fun 12 day celebration! We are so thankful, and we want to bless a few others with a little sparkle this season in these next 12 days.

For the third day of giveaways, we will be giving away TWO of one of my favorite seed starting tools, The Clyde’s Garden Planners! Two special winners will receive one of these handy tools to help plan their Spring AND Fall gardens, no matter what zone you’re in. It’s sliding feature lets you set the average last frost date in your area for the Spring, then shows you when you should start your seeds indoors or sow the seeds outdoors. It even informs you on the spacing needed for each of the 21 most common garden vegetable types, how much seed is needed for a 10′ row, how deep to plant your seeds, the distance recommended between rows or hills, approximate poundage you will yield for a 10′ x 12″ row, and companion plants! When you’re ready to plant your Fall garden, flip it over and set your average last frost date in the slider and enjoy the same information to calculate when you’ll need to have your seeds sown during the Summer to enjoy a Fall harvest.
This thing is GOLD in the garden! It takes all the guess work out of when you need to have your seeds started each season.

To enter, hop over to our Instagram and comment on they Day 3 giveaway post! Good Luck to each and every person entering. Thank you for helping us launch our journey and coming along with us on this experience. Come back tomorrow to see what Day 4 has in store! I will tell you there are some AMAZING things coming up that I am bursting at the seams to share with you.
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