To celebrate the launch of the Blog AND the Holiday Season, I have lined up some amazing giveaways for a fun 12 day celebration! We are so thankful, and we want to bless a few others with a little sparkle this season in these next 12 days.

For the second day of giveaways, we will be giving away the VERY FIRST tee with a graphic on it we’ve never shared before! This artist’s illustration of the cabin from the garden couldn’t have turned out more perfect. I have a post coming out soon talking more about this special place and what it was originally used for soon, but for now, it gets to live here beautifully, and also on a shirt for one lucky winner.
Someday, maybe it can be the potting shed of our dreams!

To enter, hop over to our Instagram and comment on the Day 2 giveaway post! Good Luck to each and every person entering. Thank you for helping us launch this journey and coming along with us on this experience – we hope you love learning alongside us. Come back tomorrow to see what Day 3 has in store! I can tell you there are some AMAZING things coming up that I am bursting at the seams to share with you.
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